More than 300,000 Americans experience cardiac arrest each year. That is where the ProTrainings mission begins and ends: with saving lives. This is done by creating training programs that increase the amount of information remembered, are easily available, and give providers the confidence to act decisively and knowledgeably when an emergency occurs. ProTrainings offers this while limiting the time professionals spend away from family or work. ProTrainings has the philosophy that you can't put a price tag on saving lives, and therefore, offers all training and testing completely free and available on the web, 24/7.
ProTrainings, beginning as, was formed by experts in the medical, training, IT and website design fields. This training was designed for experienced professionals who are familiar with CPR and are seeking to refresh their knowledge and receive updates. After the successful launch of, and, the company evolved into ProTrainings. ProTrainings is meticulous about teaching the latest guidelines for CPR and Basic First Aid and is passionate about seeking new and innovative ways to teach and present these guidelines. In 22 years, ProTrainings has certified over three million students worldwide and has supplied training solutions for hundreds of companies.